Flight of the Eagle


The Journey Home

by Crys The Tears/Dreamwalker~Lakota
copyright 2001


To walk the Red Road
in A Sacred Manner
is to journey deep into self
beyond the veil beyond the fear

To walk with One alone
to release all that is
to leave behind
that which was

To cross over into the silence
into the center of Spirit
to let go everything
which bound us to now

To step back to release
to let go material things
to release old wounds
to accept healing

To truly let go
not just in word
but in Spirit
in truth

To silence all around us
o cease to hear the insanity
to cease to feel the injustice
to let go all pain

It is not enough to forgive
it is not enough silence fear
it is not enough to say we accept
that which we perceive to be

To walk with Spirit alone
to know Great Mystery
is to remove all that holds us
here now this minute

To travel where words are meaningless
to walk where feelings and emotions pale
to walk with Humility
with Sacred intent

To open ourselves through acceptance
to journey through pain through time
to open our core our very being
to The All That Is

To see through the eyes of compassion
to hear through the ears of truth
to feel the pain of All That Is
To accept our own responsibility

It is to walk back and away from all that was
to truly let go and give away the past
as we have seen it as we have felt it
to open fully to the simple gifts of Spirit

To the joys and the gifts surrounding us
Gifts and Blessings written in the blood
of our Ancestors of our children's children
our birthright our Sacred responsibility

To walk with Spirit with Great Mystery
is to see the worth of All That Is
each and every thing in it's own right
each and everyone of us connected

Connected by blood by tears by sacrifice
tied to one another and tied to the Sacred center
the Sacred center of All That is
each tear shed each drop of blood the same

It is in the taking away of all that was
in the sacrifice of All That Is
that we trace our own tears back
back to the center back to the Heart

We are each and everyone together
the Sacred Heart of All That Is
and it is our Sacred responsibility
to lift each other one by one by one

To hold each other up and to help heal
to make right what has been lost stolen
to journey back to the Sacred Center
to begin again to begin anew

To sit in the silence of All That Is and hear
clearly hear the words and the Hearts
of those who walked before us on this road
whose sacrifice and blood binds us all as One

There is a time for all things to blossom and grow
giving new life new breath to All That Is
and there is a time to heal and to let go
that time is here that time is now

Walk into the center of Great Mystery
clean without remorse or guilt without revenge or hate
look into the eyes of the Ancestors who listen who wait
for their Prayer for us is for All That Is

That we may walk together side by side with Vision
that we let go old wounds and hurts let go injustices
that we open our eyes and our ears and our Hearts
that we walk as One equal Sacred whole

For as long as one stands apart wounded hurt alone
we all walk alone we all suffer we all contribute
it is time to let go to give away to become and understand One
to stand and walk and Pray together in a Sacred Manner

It is time to heal the Sacred Hoop
to allow the Tree Of Life to blossom and grow and flourish
to be nourished by our hopes our Dreams our Vision
to be fed by the breath of our children's children

It is time
in this moment
to open and not close our Hearts
to make real the Dream the Promise

It is time
It is time
it is time
it is time

Reprinted at Flight of the Eagle with the permission of
Crys The Tears/Dreamwalker~Lakota


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