Flight of the Eagle

Native Pride Wisdom
History and Stories from Native Americans
Book I


Quotes From
American Indians


 Old One

We live, we die, and like the grass and trees,
renew ourselves from the soft clods of the grave.
Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old
and they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born.

The faith of the villages is dust now,
but it will grow again like the trees.



If you seek to understand the whole universe
you will understand nothing at all, but
seek to understand yourself and you
will understand the whole universe.


from an essay written by a 12 year old child:

 Kim Katsitsiosta

Who wants to be a righteous man must respect all the forms of life on this earth; the sky, the moon, the sun, the stars, and all that nature gives us. If someone comes to his house and he is poor, he must give him shelter, food and clothing. This is how a righteous man should behave.


 Tatanga Mani

I came into the world with bronze skin. Many of my friends were born with yellow, black or white skin. There are flowers of all different colors and each one of them is beautiful. I hope that my children live in a world in which all men, of every color, get along with each other and work together, without the majority trying to make everyone else conform to their wishes.



When legends die,
there are no more dreams.

When there are no more dreams,
there is no more greatness.


 Sioux Proverb

As you go through life, act in a way as not to deprive others of happiness. Avoid giving sorrow to your fellow man, but to the contrary, see that you give him joy as often as you can.


Chiricahua Apache

Wars are fought to see
who owns the land, but in
the end it possesses man. Who
dares say he owns it is he
not buried beneath it?


 An Iroquois Saying

Peace is not only the opposite of war, it is not only the time in-between wars....Peace is more. It is the Law of life. It is when we conduct ourselves righteously and between every single being, justice reigns.


 Cheewa James

May serenity circle on silent wings and
catch the whisper of the wind..


 Luther Standing Bear
(Ota Kte, Mochunozhin)
(1868-1939) Oglala Sioux chief

"The Lakota could despise no creature, for all were of one blood, made by the same hand, and filled with the essence of the Great Mystery. In spirit, the Lakota were humble and meek. 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' -- this was true for the Lakota, and from the earth they inherited secrets long since forgotten. Their religion was sane, natural, and human."


 Sequichie ComingDeer

The death of fear, is in doing what you fear to do.



Never be elevated above measure by success..
nor delighted with the sweets of peace to suffer insults.


 Standing Bear

The old Lakota was wise. He knew
that man's heart away from nature
becomes hard.




~Native Pride Wisdom~
© 2001


Background Image:  
"Gift of the Eagle Feather" by Howard Terpning, Jr.
Adapted to web background by Ani Bealaura
Copyright: 2001,  All Rights Reserved

Divider Bars designed by Ani Bealaura
Copyright: 2001,  All Rights Reserved

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